Glaucoma Treatments

Glaucoma treatments

Glaucoma Treatments

Treatments for glaucoma can range from laser surgery to eye drops. You may also want to consider a Trabeculectomy, which involves the removal of the eye’s trabecular meshwork. However, before deciding on any treatment, it’s important to know what type of glaucoma you have. The first type is called pigmentary glaucoma and it typically affects young Caucasian males. It causes the iris to bow backwards, disrupting the pigment-containing cells in the iris. The pigment particles are then released into the eye’s drainage system, increasing eye pressure. Other forms of glaucoma are caused by eye trauma or tumors. Some are even present at birth.


Trabeculectomy is a surgical procedure used to treat glaucoma. It is considered a safe and effective surgical treatment for patients suffering from advanced glaucoma. It is most effective for patients whose disease is rapidly progressing despite maximal medical therapy, and for those who have not responded to other treatments. In addition to reducing intraocular pressure, trabeculectomy can also improve outflow from the eye.

There are several options for trabeculectomy. Two methods include phaco trabeculectomy, and one is a traditional trabeculectomy. Both procedures are effective, though some patients may not experience the full benefits of each. For example, phaco trabeculectomy has the same chance of reducing IOP as traditional trabeculectomy, but is associated with lower postoperative complications and better BCVA.


Glaucoma eye drops can reduce the fluid level in the eye and are the first choice for treating the condition. Eye Doctor in Lancaster These medications have few side effects and are easy to apply once daily. Other types of eye drops can relieve pressure on the eye and help with drainage. These include alpha-adrenergic agonists, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, and cholinergic agents. Cholinergic agents are believed to reduce fluid in the eye by stimulating drainage and making the pupil smaller.

Beta blockers are also commonly prescribed for glaucoma. However, they may cause systemic side effects such as respiratory depression, slow pulse, and sleepiness. They should be used in combination with other medications. The most common side effect of glaucoma eye drops is an allergic reaction.

Laser surgery

Laser surgery for glaucoma is an option for people who need to remove high pressure in their eyes. The procedure can be performed in an eye doctor’s office or in a surgical facility. Patients usually go home the same day of the procedure. The eyes may be slightly irritated and there may be some blurring of vision, but this should subside within a few days. Patients should arrange for someone to drive them home after the procedure.

Laser surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed on the eye using a laser. Patients are kept awake during the procedure, which takes only a few minutes. A doctor will first check the eye pressure to ensure that the procedure is successful. They may also use eye drops to relieve any discomfort.

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